Updating how hard can it get…

Yep that’s right I just updated from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS to 18.04 LTS. A dialog has been popping up asking me to update for a while, I have chosen to ‘Ask me later‘ for a while too, since I felt the risk of loosing my setup was to high. But the other day I gave it a go since I have backup of everything including my text recipe for installing the most used development tools and utilities I need…

What can I say everything works as it did before, even Wine that gave me troubles when I tried to install it on a previous test installation of 18.04 LTS I had made on another machine. So What’s not to like. And the process was relatively fast also, yes I am still not looking back to use Windows again this is a keeper!

as an aside; I had some short moments of almost anxiety when the tilde character ‘~’ showed up as ‘-‘ in the terminal window when I checked if Git still was running as expected. It turned out that thew font I had chosen used this to display the tilde character and that is still worked. I have now changed the font to something that displays the character properly. 😉

Author: Carsten Schwartz

My name is Carsten Schwartz. I live in Stevnstrup, Denmark . I develop Apps and Computer Games. I play board games and I am an experienced GM in Warhammer Fantasy Role Play (1st and 2nd Ed). I am also painting and sculpting miniatures. Yes that's right I am a freak - No mistake there, I even exercise Ju-Jitsu twice a week too. I am using this media to track my work and organize it a little.

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