What can I say! I am a sucker for Retro Games. I have just been playing Diablo I via Windows XP running in Virtual Box, and I found a little cheat action you could some extra gold and experience from. I have reached King Leoric’s Tomb, and by Luring the King forward to the Closed Gates, I can get him to raise more Undead Minions by pacing back and forth in front of the Gates.

This is a great little trick, that allows me to:
- Get more experience points by killing the raised minions
- Get more Gold and Items (that more often than normal are magic) when the minions drop some thing as the are killed
- Have fun ‘cheating’ the King
Great hilarious stuff and probably the next step towards being an Über Geek 😉
And you can get a lot of minions raised by teasing the King: