Now I have a custom font too!

Yep, that right!

I have ported the font i made for my typescript Asteriods Clone to Rust. I have also moved all the essential files for making vector games and the font into a library or as the Rusteans call it a crate. This has made the foot print of the triangle collision demo much smaller and easier to prepare for a good template example, if you want a gtk based game loop using Rust.

Also I put both the crate and the triangle demo in git, so that I have control over the changes. And I have added some test code, which is relatively easy in Rust where the test framework comes out of the box, much more seamless than in so many other languages. After this I can recommend trying out the language. I could also not help my self and added functionality for increasing or reducing the number of triangles on screen using the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ keys on the keyboard – Great fun 🙂